Monday, April 8, 2013

10 Steps to configuring an esxi 4.1 host to send traps to an OpenManage Server.

These are the steps for installing OMSA and related configuration for esxi 4.1 (was done on a blade server)

  1. Get the package from:
  2. Move the package to the host either via scp or storage browser
  3. Run esxupdate update --bundle ./

    This is the output:

/OMSA # esxupdate update --bundle ./
Unpacking cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_6.5-0000                                             ##################################################################################################################################### [100%]

Installing packages :cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_6.5-0000                                  ##################################################################################################################################### [100%]

Running []...
Running []...
Running [/sbin/esxcfg-secpolicy -p /etc/vmware/secpolicy]...

The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the
changes to be effective.

As you can see, we don’t have the string “CIMoem-dell-openmanage-esxiProviderEnabled “ until we reboot the host:

/OMSA # esxcfg-advcfg -l | grep CIM
/UserVars/CIMEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM service
/UserVars/CIMemulex-cim-providerProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM emulex-cim-provider Provider
/UserVars/CIMlsi-providerProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM lsi-provider Provider
/UserVars/CIMqlogic-fchba-providerProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM qlogic-fchba-provider Provider
/UserVars/CIMvmw_hdrProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM vmw_hdr Provider
/UserVars/CIMvmw_kmoduleProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM vmw_kmodule Provider
/UserVars/CIMvmw_lsiProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM vmw_lsi Provider
/UserVars/CIMvmw_swmgtProviderEnabled [Integer] : Enable or Disable the CIM vmw_swmgt Provider

  5.       Reboot host: (this takes about 5 minutes.)

  6.       Run esxcfg-advcfg --set 1 /UserVars/CIMoem-dell-openmanage-esxiProviderEnabled

                ~ # esxcfg-advcfg --set 1 /UserVars/CIMoem-dell-openmanage-esxiProviderEnabled
Value of CIMoem-dell-openmanage-esxiProviderEnabled is 1
~ #

You can also do this though the VIC:

You can verify the services are running as such:

~ # /usr/lib/ext/dell/srvadmin/bin/dataeng status
dsm_sa_datamgrd (pid 6422 ) is running
dsm_sa_eventmgrd (pid 10466 ) is running
dsm_sa_snmpd (pid 10578 ) is running
~ #

(note: the check if the OMSA package is installed, run the following) :

~ # esxupdate query
---------Bulletin ID--------- -----Installed----- --------------Summary---------------
ESXi410-201101223-UG          2011-10-11T04:56:54 3w-9xxx: scsi driver for VMware ESXi
ESXi410-201101224-UG          2011-10-11T04:56:54 vxge: net driver for VMware ESXi    
Dell_OpenManage_ESXi410_OM650 2013-03-22T17:17:38 OpenManage 6.5 for ESXi410          
~ #

  7.       Check if SNMP is enabled on the host: (run this from the CLI) (I took out the client identifying information)

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root --show 
Current SNMP agent settings:
Enabled  : 0
UDP port : 161

Communities :
Notification targets :

We now have to set the community string, and to enable the agent, as you can see there is no entry under communities, and the enabled value is 0 (zero)

To Enable:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root -E
Enabling agent...

To Set community:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root -c public
Changing community list to: public...
  8.       As you can see in step 7, SNMP trap destination is not configured so we run this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root -t
Changing notification(trap) targets list to:

  9.       Let’s now check it’s done:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root --show
Current SNMP agent settings:
Enabled  : 1
UDP port : 161

Communities :

Notification targets :

  10.   We can now send a test, and then check with the OpenManage server if it was received:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI> --server HOSTNAME --username root --password root --test
Sending test nofication(trap) to all configured targets...
Complete. Check with each target to see if trap was received.

Done!  now go and discover this server with Dell Open Manage Essentials, you need to do a WSMAN discovery though, take a look here:

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